Ozone Bowling Murcia C.C. Myrtea

Av. Severo Ochoa 5 , Murcia, Spain

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Opening hours

Monday: 4:00 PM 12:00 AM

Tuesday: 4:00 PM 12:00 AM

Wednesday: 4:00 PM 12:00 AM

Thursday: 4:00 PM 12:00 AM

Friday: 4:00 PM 1:00 AM

Saturday: 2:00 PM 1:00 AM

Sunday: 2:00 PM 12:00 AM

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Welcome to Ozone Bowling Murcia C.C. Myrtea

Discover a fantastic venue where time flies by amidst endless fun and entertainment. With well-maintained courts and friendly staff, Ozone Bowling Murcia C.C. Myrtea is the perfect spot for enthusiasts to unwind and enjoy a great time.

The Vibrant Atmosphere and Social Vibe at Ozone Bowling Murcia C.C. Myrtea

Experience the lively ambiance and social buzz at Ozone Bowling Murcia C.C. Myrtea. Whether you're a regular visitor or a newcomer, the place offers a welcoming environment where you can have a blast with arcade machines and plenty of game tracks.

The Exceptional Quality of Amenities and Service at Ozone Bowling Murcia C.C. Myrtea

Indulge in top-notch amenities and service at Ozone Bowling Murcia C.C. Myrtea. While the courts are well-maintained, visitors suggest the addition of training options or championships for enthusiasts. Nonetheless, the friendly staff ensures a pleasant experience for all guests.

Why Ozone Bowling Murcia C.C. Myrtea is a Must-Visit

For a memorable leisure experience, Ozone Bowling Murcia C.C. Myrtea is a must-visit destination. With rave reviews highlighting the endless fun and entertainment, along with the welcoming atmosphere and quality service, this venue promises an unforgettable time for all visitors.

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