Bolera de Priañes

Lugar Priañes 61 , Asturias, Spain

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Opening hours

Monday: No opening hours

Tuesday: No opening hours

Wednesday: No opening hours

Thursday: No opening hours

Friday: No opening hours

Saturday: No opening hours

Sunday: No opening hours

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Welcome to Bolera de Priañes

Discover a charming venue nestled in a rural environment, Bolera de Priañes is a haven for bowling enthusiasts. Surrounded by nature, this lovely place offers a peaceful retreat for those seeking a unique bowling experience.

The Enchanting Atmosphere and Social Vibe

Bolera de Priañes is renowned for its endearing ambiance and social charm. Visitors are captivated by the rustic surroundings and welcoming atmosphere, making it the perfect spot to unwind with friends and family. The club's name resonates with the warmth and camaraderie found here.

The Quality of Amenities and Service

At Bolera de Priañes, top-notch amenities and impeccable service are guaranteed. From well-maintained lanes to friendly staff, every aspect of the club exudes excellence. Visitors appreciate the attention to detail and care put into ensuring a memorable bowling experience at this exceptional venue.

Why Bolera de Priañes is a Must-Visit

With its rural charm, enchanting atmosphere, and exceptional service, Bolera de Priañes stands out as a must-visit destination. Whether you're a seasoned bowler or just looking for a unique outing, this club offers an unforgettable experience that leaves a lasting impression. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the magic of Bolera de Priañes.

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